Surfing the Spiritual Waves

In the last weeks I have surfed on an indoor wave simulator, and relaxed in the largest wellness-sauna area in Europe. Two very exciting activities I could recommend to board-sport lovers and those who like to relax poolside.

I go swimming every two weeks, but these new experiences took my aquatic activity to a whole new level. How lucky that both of these places were just outside of Munich! Alongside the fun and exercise, I also had many spiritual observations and time forreflection…

Here are my four most significant spiritual findings from the waves and the hot pools:

1. Dualism

We understand one feeling because we understand its opposite. They must belong together. For example, in order to know pain, we must know its opposite, pleasure. It is the same with love/hate, joy/sorrow. I experienced this dualism while surfing because I have a terrible fear of drowing and was afraid, but I love surfing and the adrenaline rush so I was excited and brave at the same time. I felt fear and courage at the same time, and could appreciate both.

2. Constant flow and change

The waves continued to flow weather I rode them or not. Waves powered by a man made machine, or mother nature, the they show up again and again giving us endless opportunities to try again. Always a new opportunity or another chance. That trust and reliability was comforting. No wave is the same, but we change too, with our thoughts and experiences. We get better and better as we practice, and then the waves change again and we (might) fail. It is a constant flow of hit or miss, time and time again. Life is certainly not repetitive or boring!

3. Comfort Zones

It is such a critical step in life when we put ourselves in situations that bring us outside of our comfort zone. It is in this unknown space and time where the personal growth occurs. I was afraid of falling down during the surfing and hitting my head. I was also afraid of being nude in the gender mixed saunas. It was not the culture I am used to and it made me uncomfortable at the beginning. What I learned is that it is not about being less afraid, but to be more brave. There is a difference!

4. We are not our thoughts

Imagine metaphorically that the waves of the ocean would be our thoughts. We are not our thoughts, and we are not the waves. We are above the waves (or above our thoughts) surfing on top of them. Riding the turbulant wave, feeling the fresh air, and not getting sucked into the spiraling white water crashing waves of negative thinking or ‘thoughts that don’t serve us.’ Alwavs staying afloat, deciding for ourselves which waves we would like to ride and which waves we should leave behind.

Tomorrow I fly to Hawaii and will surf the ‘real waves’ and sit under the heat of the sun. I am looking forward to the spiritual insights that I gather while I am out there.

Stay tuned!

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